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Mom talks about son’s struggle with diabetes

Hot Cares and Silverstar give back to the community by helping a young boy with Type 1 diabetes.

Vanessa Posthumus, a dedicated single mother, has shown remarkable resilience in managing her two-year-old son Joshua’s Type 1 diabetes.

Vanessa said that despite the significant daily challenges, including constant monitoring and frequent injections, Joshua’s unyielding spirit shines through.

She added that he was diagnosed on May 21, 2023, when Joshua spent two harrowing weeks in ICU.

According to Hot Cares project co-ordinator, Andy Swanepoel, Vanessa has tirelessly sought ways to improve his quality of life, because Joshua’s condition requires frequent finger-pricking and injections, a painful and distressing routine.

“A Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), such as the Libre sensor, can revolutionise his care by providing real-time glucose readings every five minutes. This technology alerts Vanessa and her caregivers to dangerous changes in his glucose levels, preventing emergencies and long-term complications. However, the Libre sensor is costly, priced at about R1 200 for a 15-day supply. Despite working full-time, Vanessa struggles to cover these expenses alongside other living costs, as her current medical aid does not cover the sensors. This technology would also minimise painful pricks and injections, enabling Joshua to engage in normal childhood activities without constant interruptions,” Andy continued.

“Recognising Vanessa’s extraordinary efforts and Joshua’s needs, Hot Cares reached out to their partners at Silverstar. Moved by their story, Silverstar has generously committed to covering the costs of the Libre sensors for the next six months and providing a smartphone necessary for managing Joshua’s readings, a total value of R18 000,” Andy said.

Venessa concluded that she wanted to express their extreme gratitude to Hot FM and Silverstar for the amazing blessing they received.

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