Grain Care hosts fun-filled morning for elders

Grain Care Trust's annual function for the elderly brought some smiles and delight at Suiderlig Church.

More than 150 elders from elderly homes across Johannesburg were spoiled with delicious food and amazing live performances at Suiderlig Church on October 12. The event was made possible by Grain Care Trust and is their annual function for elders.

Alta Duvenhage and Hettie Strydom.

According to project manager Jackie van der Walt, the function was an outreach project to the elderly people.

Abri and Mattie Erasmus at the elderly function.

“Every year, a big social event is held for the elderly. More than 450 elderly people from different old aged homes and communities are invited to join this event whereby they are being spoilt for the day. It makes them feel needed where they can socialise and be part of the community,” Jackie said.

Flippie and Sanarie Schoonwinkel at the event.

This year, the theme of the function was Country and Western, and Afrikaans artist Nadine was the guest for the day.

Nadine on stage.

Grain Care is a registered NPO within the grain sector and functions with its own identity. The organisation plays its part not just in the lives of the elderly but in the heart of a child whether orphanage, disabled, neglected, or abused. They also assist families in need, take part in feeding schemes (schools and communities), and help the disabled among other various charity projects to make a difference in those in need.

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