
Why fighting crime is better when we do it together

Security company believes we can create safer communities if we all work together.

Communities that stand together against crime are more likely to see success in reducing dangerous illegal activity in their areas.

“We work in communities and suburbs across the country. We have seen first-hand the value of various groups, neighbourhood watch teams, and other community anti-crime endeavours. The key lies in working together to create safer environments for us all,” said Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Communications and Marketing at the Fidelity Services Group.

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She stressed the importance of active neighbourhood watch schemes, noting that these networks are often the first line of defence against any criminals operating locally, “… and the more community members that get involved, the stronger and more effective your watch group becomes. Even if not everyone can actively patrol, make sure all neighbours are invited to join the local watch WhatsApp group.”

“We collaborate closely with neighbourhood watch groups, helping to ensure they have the necessary training, equipment, and support to operate effectively,” Hattingh added.

Also read: Community and police united in fight against crime

In addition to neighbourhood watch programs, Fidelity Services Group encouraged communities to install and maintain robust security systems, where needed.

These include household alarm systems with panic buttons, CCTV cameras, and access control systems. When these systems are installed and maintained correctly, they can help to deter criminal activity, provide early warning of potential threats, and assist law enforcement in identifying and apprehending suspects.

Hattingh offered some collaborative community-based safety suggestions:

• To prevent criminals from targeting your home, support the private security companies in your area by reporting any open gates or suspicious activity. Build a good relationship with your neighbours and offer to be each other’s eyes and ears.

• Join your suburb’s security WhatsApp group, and contribute by reporting any suspicious activity or vehicles. Get involved with sharing information and tracking local crime trends.

• Take responsibility for the protection of your own home and family by always arming your alarm system and connecting your electric fencing and outdoor beams to an armed response service provider.

• Keep your security doors locked at all times, even if you just nip out for a short trip and educate everyone in your household – including any gardeners or domestic helpers you employ – about security measures and emergency contacts.

Hattingh further urged communities to take an active role in reporting suspicious activity to the police.

“By reporting suspicious behaviour, individuals can help law enforcement to build a comprehensive picture of criminal activity in their area. This information can be used to identify patterns of criminal behaviour, which in turn can help law enforcement to focus their efforts and make more effective arrests.

“We recognise that crime is a major concern for many people in South Africa. We believe that by working together, we can create safer communities for everyone. We urge everyone to take an active role in promoting safety and security in their neighbourhoods. While you may not be able to change the world overnight, you can play a role in making sure your loved ones and property are safe,” she said.

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