
It’s a new year and back-to-school: Some helpful tips …

A smooth start to the year is as easy as making small changes to how you approach the next couple of weeks.

Step Up Education Centres offered tips to parents who are currently in back-to-school mode.

According to Cindy Glass, owner and co-founder of Step Up Education Centres, families around South Africa are frantically trying to prepare for the new school year.

“Excitement, fear, elation, anxiety, anticipation, expectation and stress are all a part of the process and everyone copes differently, with some families even feeling the ‘back-to-school blues’,” she said.

Cindy added that a smooth start to the year is as easy as making small changes to how you approach the next couple of weeks.

She offered six helpful tips for parents:

• Set the tone: Make it your priority to create an atmosphere of excitement and positive anticipation in your family as you prepare for the new school year.

• Get organised: Create a comprehensive to-do list. Prioritise the most important requirements while ticking off the ‘done’ bits. In this way, you have a visual representation of your progress, helping you feel a sense of ‘getting there’.

• Get your children involved: Covering books and labelling stationery together is an opportunity to teach independence and responsibility.

• Talk to your children: Ask what they are excited about, what activities they want to participate in, and what are their expectations and fears. Listen to understand and without judgement, and let your children know that you have their back. You are, after all, in this together!.

• Eliminate as many of the unknowns as possible: If your children are starting a new school, make sure they know exactly what to do and where to go.

• Positive connection is key: It is essential that parents, teachers and children feel respected and supported. Make an effort to attend school meetings and try to get to know your child’s teachers. This will allow for a happy and successful school year.

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