The complex motives behind fake news

Why people continue to spread misinformation with often harmful consequences.

Spreading fake news is generally acknowledged as being disruptive and potentially harmful. So much so that our nation’s president has on several occasions cautioned the public against sharing false information, with particular reference to the Covid-19 pandemic.

So, what drives people to create and circulate fake news?

Clinical psychologist Kiara Sunder highlighted that many individuals are naively unaware that they are sharing misinformation.

“There are also those who do it knowingly as a means of satisfying underlying social needs or political agendas. These motives are multi-layered and can be quite complex to unpack. However, there is a common factor that leads to fake news doing harm and that is a strong societal trust in online sources.”

Misplaced trust

Sunder pointed out that historically, news was received in print or broadcast format via official news channels, which the public trusted as having been researched and verified. Yet now, in a relatively short space of time, obtaining news online on social media platforms and communication apps from various, often unofficial, sources including from individuals has become the norm for many people.

The internet has given a voice to anyone and everyone. While this has its benefits, it also means that a great deal of information is shared unchecked. Digital illiteracy is of growing concern and is particularly prevalent amongst older generations.

“Younger people who have grown up with technology have high levels of digital literacy built into their schema, or cognitive framework for organising information. This gives them a certain level of built-in understanding about what is and is not ‘real’ online. Conversely, older individuals who have had to learn technology later in life tend to be more trusting.

“There are many internet users who mistakenly believe that anything published online must be true. The same goes for information received in a text message or voice note via a trusted contact,” she said.

The spectrum of motives behind fake news

Sunder noted that there is a broad spectrum of what drives people to create and share misinformation.

“Some of these factors are less obvious and while it is multi-layered, there are some clear psychological motivations that can be observed.”

Social status seeking

Sunder said while these users may not be aware of the motives behind their behaviour, they are in fact seeking status and self-promotion, indicating that some emotional needs are not being met in real life.

Anxiety outlet

There are people suffering from anxiety and mental health conditions who use social media as an escape or as a channel for processing their own feelings, explained Sunder.

Confirmation bias

Needing to feel validated is also a motivating factor amongst those who spread fake news on a more regular basis, according to Sunder, particularly those who buy into alternative views, or conspiracy theories.

Self-serving intentions

Persons who create and knowingly spread fake news intentionally will often have a political or psychological agenda, which they are trying to advance or serve. Sunder says these individuals may have the intent to do harm or are so single minded in their pursuit that they have no regard for any damage they may cause.

Financial gain

According to Sunder, criminals targeting vulnerable individuals are known to use fake news as a tool to spread the word about sought after opportunities, for example through fictitious job or training advertisements and other similar scams, whereby unsuspecting individuals are asked to pay some kind of administrative or activation fee with the promise of earnings or other financial rewards in return.

Such fraudulent activity is often disguised as a highly legitimate-looking advert or other form of communication, and the persons targeted may feel pressured by the ambiguity of the situation. Often not knowing how to verify the information presented, victims may fall prey to the scam, resulting in serious financial loss.

Without healthy coping mechanisms in real life, people are more likely to lash out at others or latch onto harmful online trends. Whether intentional or not, such behaviour can result in online bullying, reputational damage and financial loss as well as physical violence, not to mention confusion and disruption,” Sunder said.

Psycho-social considerations for parents and guardians

“Understanding the impact of consuming and sharing unverified information is an important part of conversations between parents or guardians and children when it comes to screen time. As well as online predators and bullies, children need to be made aware of the dangers of fake news.

“As a parent there is great value in keeping communication lines open and emphasising that you trust your child, but not the online world. Helping children to understand the layers of societal dangers involved and letting them feel they can talk openly to you, before expressing themselves online, will go a long way to protecting them now and in the future,” Sunder concluded.

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