
#KrugersdorpMurders — Back in court on Monday; will daughter Marcel testify?

The Krugersdorp murders trial is set to recommence on Monday, 13 May, with the youngest accused, Marcel Steyn, set to tell her story when and if she testifies.

The Krugersdorp murders trial has had the public gasping in disbelief at the horrific events that unfolded in 2012.

The trial will continue on 13 May in the South Gauteng High Court, with the last few witnesses testifying. Among them is the youngest accused, Marcel Steyn.

Read here:

Marinda Steyn and her son, Le Roux Steyn, have taken plea deals and are already serving time in prison. Marinda has been sentenced to 11 life sentences and 115 years’ imprisonment, while Le Roux has been convicted on seven counts of murder and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

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The trial of the remaining three accused persons, Cecilia Steyn, Zak Valentine and Marcel Steyn, continues in court on Monday with Le Roux, Zak, Cecilia and Marinda having all testified already.

When the trial resumes, Marcel, who was still a high school learner when the murders were committed, will most likely testify.

The News will be reporting on the court proceedings and encourages readers to follow the hashtag #KrugersdorpMurders for all the latest updates on the News’ social media platforms.

To read more about this case, see here:

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