Update: DA explains why Mayor Lynn resigned

Ill health forced Pannall to cut back on her busy schedule to the point where it was clearly noticeable that she was struggling to fulfill some of her commitments.

Mogale City Local Municipality recently announced the resignation of the Executive Mayor, Councillor Lynn Pannall, with immediate effect from 1 December.

Pannall enthusiastically took over the reins of the city after she was elected as Mayor in the August Local Government elections.

The Democratic Alliance (DA), reports that ill health forced Pannall to cut back on her busy schedule to the point where it was clearly noticeable that she was struggling to fulfill some of her commitments. It was also noticed that her duties were detrimental to both her health and the Office of the Mayor.

Social media posts about Pannall’s resignation reveal that the community is greatly saddened by the news:

“You have done an excellent job so far,” said Maumela Evelyn. “But it’s true, your health comes first.”

“This is truly sad news,” said Esther Strydom. “We have lost a diamond, Mogale.”

Employees of the municipality also expressed their sadness following her resignation.

“Those of us who spent time with Lynn will remember her for the dedication she had for running Mogale City’s Local Municipality,” said Nkosana Zali, spokesperson for the Mogale City Local Municipality. “The people of the municipality and of the community always came first for her.”

The DA will now call on the Speaker to urgently convene a special council meeting to elect a new Mayor and ensure that the excellent work started by Councillor Pannall and her team is able to continue without any delay,” said John Moodey, the DA Gauteng Provincial leader.

The municipality will announce processes pertaining to the filling of the vacancy in due course.

Municipality comments on mayoral resignation by Krugersdorp News

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