Rescue teams had their skills tested

These exercises ensure that the teams are well trained.

Netcare 911 and the Krugersdorp Fire Department joined forces for a rescue training exercise recently.

The aim of the exercise was to ensure that all firefighters and rescue technicians from Netcare 911 and the Krugersdorp Fire Department are well trained on rescue operations such as high-angle rescue – known as a rope exercise, confined-space motor-vehicle rescue and structural-collapse rescue.

The team was evaluated by experts on high-angle rescue and the rescue mission was controlled by an incident commander.

During the practice the team was given the task to rescue three patients who were injured and trapped on a height. The victims of the operation were all working on heights.

The first patient who was rescued had to get to ground level where the rescue technicians had to use ropes to get them to safety. The second patient was not able to walk and the rescue technicians had to immobilise the patient on a trauma board, then onto a stokes stretcher and then also used ropes to bring the patient to ground by the cable wire system. The third patient had a leg injury and also was moved to the ground by means of the cable wire system.

During the exercise the crew learned how to work together at scenes of those nature and the training was completed successfully.

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