CPF hosts ‘super’ year-end function

While some preferred the heroic presence of Superman, others leaned more to the newer versions of superheroes.

Krugersdorp’s Community Policing Forums (CPFs) recently proved that although they do not have superhuman powers, they can still be considered as heroes.

A large number of CPF members from all parts of Krugersdorp, all dressed as well-known comic book superheroes, gathered at the Alma Mater Academy on Saturday, 12 November to celebrate their successful year of fighting crime, assisting with vehicle collisions and being the eyes and ears of this ‘Marvel’-lous city.

André and Marna Fouche, and Charlotte and Richard Kahn were dressed as a team of Batmen, all ready to fight for justice for Krugersdorp.

While some preferred the heroic presence of Superman, others leaned more to the newer superheroes who break the traditional mould by being combinations of good/ bad heroes, such as The Hulk and Batman.

Characters such as Zorro, Spiderman and even Catnis Everdeen (of the Hunger Games trilogy) all made their appearance and it seemed as if the adults enjoyed dressing up a little more than the children as their outfits were glamorous and well thought out.

Richard Kahn and Monique Barnard dressed as Superman and Superwoman during the CPF’s year-end function.

One couple decided to represent a local superhero by dressing up as the South African comic book legend ‘Die Swart Kat’.

The guests at the event enjoyed great food, delicious drinks and a wide array of sweets while reminiscing about all the good things they had done during the year.

View more photos here

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