[WATCH] And the new Mayor of Mogale City is…

After much anticipation, the first council meeting has commenced in the Council Chambers at Town Hall in Krugersdorp.

Mogale City’s first council meeting after the local elections is currently under way, and so far the outcomes have shocked quite a few council members.

Magistrate Abdul Kadir Khan presided over the swearing in of the councillors before handing over to the IEC to handle the election of the new Speaker.

The ANC has 38 seats in council, the DA has 27, the EFF has nine, the FF+ has two and the IFP has one. All 77 councillors were presented and participated in the voting process, with no spoilt votes being recorded.

Jacques Hoon of the DA, and Patrick Lipodi of the ANC were nominated as Speaker, and only one vote made the difference. Patrick Lipodi won after receiving 39 votes, with Jacques Hoon receiving 38 votes.

The new Speaker: Patrick Lipodi.

The Mayoral candidates were Lynn Pannall of the DA, and Peach Mabe from the ANC. Once again, one vote made the difference – Lynn Pannall received 39 votes.

“This is a new era for Mogale City,” Mogale City’s new Executive Mayor, Lynn Pannall said.

She was heartily congratulated after being announced as the new Mayor. The EFF and FF+ councillors congratulated her by chanting and singing, while the ANC just sat and watched, gobsmacked by what had just happened.

Lynn Pannall is the new Mayor by Krugersdorp News

The Council Whip was elected shortly thereafter, and the ANC’s Sipho Dube received 39 votes. However, the EFF noted a discrepancy during the counting process when an IEC official was seen handing a paper to one of the counters.

Councillors voting for the new Mayor.

The EFF, DA and FF+ requested a revote, but the request was denied. An IEC official responded to the request by saying that there were observers present during the counting process, and that they had not made any objections. The matter was therefore closed and they moved on to the next item on the agenda.

Many councillors expressed mixed emotions about the outcome of the voting, and the ability of the ANC and the DA to work together has been called into question. This election has certainly had its curve balls, but hopefully this will be the start of something great in Mogale City.

Read more about Mayor Lynn:

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