152 Blankets for Mandela Day

The initiative has gained local and international momentum, and is going from strength to strength.

Two years ago, knitting became trendy again, thanks to a group of passionate KnitWits for Madiba and their cause, 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day.

Guvon Hotels & Spas joined the KnitWit revolution in 2015 and pledged to deliver blankets for the needy in honour of Nelson Mandela. With every twist of the wrist, a new crocheted or knitted block was in the making, until Guvon Hotels & Spas had 152 blankets to contribute to the 67 Blankets for Mandela Day project.

Staff from all departments across all of Guvon’s properties and a few residents from the area assisted in knitting and crocheting blankets.


The Guvon Hotels team with the blankets they helped to knit. Photo: Submitted.

“We are so proud that our employees took up the challenge and produced these beautiful colourful blankets which we are handing over to Arlene Snoek from 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day today,” Alta Thorpe, HR Director at Guvon Hotels & Spas said.

“We love the fact that we are contributing to keeping people from all walks of life warm, not just this winter, but hopefully for many winters to come. So much love has gone into this project.”

This proud blanket crocheting and knitting tradition stems from a challenge Zelda la Grange, Nelson Mandela’s trusted assistant, posed to Carolyn Steyn, founder of the 67 Blankets for Mandela initiative, in December 2013: Zelda’s challenge to Carolyn was: Knit 67 blankets!

Some of Guvon’s personnel with a few of the blankets they helped to knit. Photo: Submitted.

These blankets would then be distributed to those in need on Nelson Mandela Day. Carolyn gladly accepted Zelda’s challenge but soon realised that she would not be able to achieve it alone. She called on her friends for help and created the 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day Facebook group.

The initiative has gained local and international momentum, and is going from strength to strength.

Read more:

67 crocheted blankets for Madiba Day

Mandela Day spirit in Munsieville

Police give away some Mandela Day cheer

Fresh approach by police on Mandela Day

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