Every drop counts

Residents may be lulled into a false sense of low charges for municipal water.

We are all fully aware that South Africa is a water scarce country, and that our water reserves are generally low.

“The prolonged drought, high water losses in most municipalities and mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage have exacerbated the dilemma even further. As we approach winter, warnings from government officials fill the media. We are asked to take 5 minute showers rather than a bath and to wash our cars from a bucket,” DA Councillor Lynn Pannall, who is also part of Mogale City’s Infrastructure Portfolio, said.

“I think we agree that we must all contribute to conserving water.

“But I draw rate payers’ attention to the need for another kind of alertness which they should exercise to save hard-earned cash and unnecessary stress. I’m referring to the unfortunate event of a faulty water meter or a water meter breaking down completely, especially after hours. When a municipal technician responds to a resident’s call for help, the faulty meter will be removed and sometimes replaced by a so-called ‘straight pipe’, through which water supply will be restored.”

Pannall says “Be aware; water consumption through a straight pipe cannot be read by a municipal meter reader. It does not have the mechanism to record consumption.

“Residents may be lulled into a false sense of low charges for municipal water. However consumption will always be billed in the long run and residents must therefore ensure that a proper water meter is installed to replace the straight pipe.

“The reason is that until the meter is replaced by the municipality, the resident will be levied at 36kl per month for the period during which the straight pipe is in operation. The charge is in accordance with approved Council Policy and the accompanying bylaw, that a fee for 36kl per month is levied when meter readings are not recorded.”

Many citizens are unaware of this.

“It is important that the affected resident approaches the municipality’s Water Department, in the President Building, President Street as soon as possible to apply for a new water meter to replace the straight pipe or faulty meter and avoid being charged for 36kl per month, especially if average use of water is far less.”

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