More traffic for Robert Broom?

Another shopping center on Robert Broom Drive, but what about the ongoing traffic congestion?

A new shopping complex will soon be completed on Robert Broom Drive, ward councillor Richard Lees said.

The shopping complex will house various outlets and soon a residential area will be built close to this centre.

Upon visiting the site, the News saw various infrastructure already in place like fire hydrants and water systems.

The development is taking place across from another shopping complex and petrol station and on the road that was said to need upgrades as well.

A petition was given to Mogale City Local Municipality in February last year to prioritise the widening of Robert Broom Drive to ensure a reduction of traffic congestion during peak hours.

The petition read that the congestion results in huge financial losses to the economy due to hours lost and traffic incidents. More than 1 000 signatures were gathered and the petition was handed over to the Municipality’s Petitions Officer in March, DA ward councillor Lynn Pannall told the News last year.

In May last year, Pannall said that prospects were good that Robert Broom will get the necessary attention soon.

The News will update its readers as soon as more information comes to light.

Also read:

• Feedback following Robert Broom petition

• Motorists hoot in support of Broom widening

• Woman pepper sprayed then driven over

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