
Manage your cash and keep your business safe

Too many businesses don’t take cash management seriously.

The effective management of cash on your property has to be a priority.

This is the message that the Muldersdrift Communication Action Group (MCAG) is sharing with business owners in the area. Gilbert Hickman, MCAG spokesperson said too many businesses don’t take cash management seriously and are being targeted by criminals.

“The reality is that you are putting your employees and business at unnecessary risk by housing large sums of cash on your premises.”

Hickman urges business owners to take these simple tips seriously:

• Where possible encourage your guests or patrons to pay by credit card or EFT. If you have overseas guests coming to your establishment, encourage them not to carry large amounts of cash (local or foreign) but rather to use cards, for example credit cards, cash passport cards and the likes.

• When collecting cash make sure it is done in a secure area, out of sight.

• Invest in good security and, if need be, a guarding company to escort you should you have to transport and deposit large amounts of cash.

• When making cash deposits try and do these at random times. Criminals will often watch and establish routines, picking their moments carefully to target business owners with cash in hand.

• Consider using a cash-in-transit service.

• Ensure that two employees open and close the business in the morning and at night; criminals have been known to force staff inside and get them to open the safe or tills.

• Always arm the alarm system when the business is closed. Keep store rooms locked when not in use and install good quality security gates.

• Leave till drawers open overnight and at weekends and don’t keep high-value items in the window as they are a temptation to smash-and-grabbers. Installing safety glass is the most secure option.

• Install silent alarms and panic buttons to alert your security provider in the event of an emergency. Staff should not hesitate to press the panic button if they think something is untoward.

“Don’t give criminals a reason to target your property. It’s not worth losing your life or putting your employees at risk. Manage your cash properly,” urges Hickman.

Read more:

Shopping mall cash solution to deter festive season

Suspects arrested for fake cash

Educate your domestic staff on dangers of carrying cash

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