Magaliesburg: report abuse, save lives

Contact 014 577 5100 to report domestic violence or abuse.

Magaliesburg Police are concerned about domestic violence and abuse in households across the community and are urging those who know about domestic abuse to report it and possibly save a life.

“Domestic violence is a behaviour that reflects one’s attempt and possible success at controlling a person; it may be the use of force, sexual coercion and or brainwashing,” police spokesperson, Constable Rebecca Phithi said.

“The abuse can include physical abuse such as slaps, punches, kicking dragging, biting burning, hitting with an object, chocking stabbing and chopping, she said.

Phithi explained what different types of abuse look like and urged the public to contact the police if they know of anyone being abused on 014 577 5100.

Sexual abuse

When an abuser forces sexual intercourse on the victim without the consent of the victim.

Emotional abuse or psychological abuse

Based on the power and control of the mind using insults, threats, isolation and preventing someone from making money, keeping family finances as a secret and being in complete control of household money.

Verbal abuse

When an abuser scares you, threatens to harm you or kill you, when name-calling, insults, neglect and intimidation become regular.

The Magaliesburg Police Station has a Victim Empowerment Centre were the victims of domestic violence and abuse can get help and guidance.

“We need the community to report the violence that we know is prevalent in the community. Remember that a tip-off can always be anonymous. Domestic violence can be fatal, so let us fight against the abuse and let us make sure that we protect our children from any form of abuse,” she concluded.

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