No kidnapping but a pervert is on the prowl

False kidnapping rumours turn out to be a sexual exploiter making the rounds in Krugersdorp North.

The allegations about two Monnas pupils being kidnapped yesterday afternoon turned out to be false after the community had been searching for the missing girls.

Following up on the allegations the News learned that the incident actually involved a sexual exploiter on the prowl in Krugersdorp North.

Two Grade 11 pupils were walking home from school in Second Street, Krugersdorp North when they noticed a white Mercedes-Benz slowly driving past them. After turning into Buiten Street they saw the suspicious occupant of the vehicle again driving slowly around the block.

As they were about to cross the street, the driver of the vehicle stopped next to them, only to see him sexually exposing himself.

Traumatised the two girls made a run for it. They came across some friends a block away close to the primary school who immediately got onto their bicycles to go and search for the man.

The man in the ‘old’ Mercedes-Benz model was described as in his 30s, has blonde-grey hair and wore a white shirt at the time of the incident.

“I felt ice cold when the vehicle stopped in front of us. ‘What if … what if’ was the thought that kept running through my mind,” the 17-year-old victim, who can not be named to protect her, said to the News.

The traumatised teen told the News her friend immediately broke out in tears when the vehicle stopped in front of them.

Both girls are emotional and shocked by the incident.

The News is extremely concerned about rumours being posted on social media, especially Facebook.

“As a publication we take postings about missing or kidnapped persons very seriously and also try to assist the authorities by publishing such information to make the public aware of it in case they are able to provide information about the missing person. When the information turns out to be either false, a rumour or a irresponsible joke, our credibility is on the line. As a rule we first and foremost try to verify the claims being made. However, all we ask is that before posting something on Facebook, please verify your facts and make sure that the information you provide is true,” News Editor Janine Viljoen said.

Related articles:

• Alleged sexual exploiter back in court

• Pupils kidnapping report false

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