Another accident at problem crossing

Another accident at this problematic crossing leaves motorists with their hands in their hair.

Tow truck drivers, paramedics and police rushed to Voortrekker Road at the Cilliers Street crossing where a Toyota slammed into a Hyundai at around 10am this morning.

A bystander told the News she heard a loud bang and when she turned around she saw steam coming from the Toyota’s engine and three occupants jumping out of the vehicle.

Paramedics on the scene checked both vehicles’ occupants who obtained minor injuries from the accident.

The driver of the Hyundai told the News she was in the right lane going toward Roodepoort when she slowed down for a vehicle who was attempting to cross Cilliers Street.

“The next moment the Toyota hit my vehicle from the back,” she explained.

The bystanders claim the Toyato was traveling above the speed limit with the music blurring loud.

According to the car guard who works across the road, this particular crossing is a problem as she can recall three accidents there this year so far.

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