Providing mercy for orphanage

Students and personnel from Westcol collected various donations including clothes that were handed over to The House of Mercy.

The students of Westcol college decided to give mercy in memory of a legend.

In honor of late President Mandela, the Westcol students spoiled children at an orphanage organisation in Kagiso last month.

The House of Mercy is an NGO founded in 2004. It provides for children who are orphaned due to HIV/Aids and ensures that the children don’t go to school hungry.

Students and personnel from Westcol collected various donations including clothes that were handed over to The House of Mercy by the Student Representative Council as part of their Mandela Day celebrations.

“It warms our hearts to see the students of Westcol come together and do good in the community,” said Loraine van der Walt, student support facilitator of Westcol.

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