Will we really become a metro?

The Municipal Demarcation Board wants to know: yay or nay for metro?

The metro madness continues, but now the first independent player has joined the game.

The public participation meeting last week Thursday, 23 July, was held by the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB), an independent authority, to listen to the residents of the municipalities that will be affected.

No decision has been made by the MDB yet, but these meetings play an important role when the Board will eventually make a decision.

Second from left, Amanda de Lange, Freedom Front Plus West Rand Regional Leader.

Mpumi Mpofu, a MDB representative, explained that if the MDB agrees to the formation of a West Rand Metro, it will most likely take affect during the next local government elections next year.

“But all opinions received will be considered and we will either confirm, vary or withdraw the decision we have made,” Mpofu said.

Centenary Hall was filled to the brim with the people of Krugersdorp. Young, old, political figures, community members from different races attended the meeting. Both the Democratic Alliance, the Freedom Front Plus and even AfriForum voiced their objections to the proposal of a a metro.

MDB representative, Mpumi Mpofu, addressing the crowd on the role of the MDB.

On the other end, the African National Congress is confident that the metro merging will continue.

Mogale City’s Executive Mayor Koketso Calvin Seerane attended the meeting, but did not participate in the question and answer session.

For now, the MDB is still deciding on a matter that can lead to either a decline in service delivery or better economical structure, according to the DA and Mogale City respectively.

Related articles:

• [VIDEO] ‘Viva Mogale City, Viva Metro!’

• Metro merger madness – was it a conspiracy?

• Will metro bring cheaper transport?

• To metro or not to metro – that is the question

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