DA also celebrated Mandela

The Democratic Alliance had their faces seen all over Krugersdorp in light of Mandela Day.

The Democratic Alliance’s ward councillors took full advantage of Mandela Day to support and uplift the community they serve.

From Monument and Kagiso to Key West shopping centre, the councillors embraced Mandela Day by brightening up some less fortunate children’s day.

Victor Mhlare with some Checkers staff.

DA Councillor Victor Mhlare took Mom Rachel’s Creche Kids out for lunch at Monument Checkers. They were treated to all sorts of entertainment, food, toys and clothes – even a dance exhibition by Checkers staff and management.

“We have to thank Checkers staff management and Trudie Naudé from Mug and Tree Community Centre for helping to make this happen,” De Waal Venter, DA councillor of ward 9, said.

Councillor Jakkie Naudé treated 40 children to a film at Key West and pizzas afterwards, Jakkie got help from several sponsors and that enabled him to hire two kombi’s to transport the children.

Jakkie Naudé enjoys his pizza with some of the 40 children he treated to a movie.

The people of Ward 9 decided to clean up Nomandi Street in Kagiso 2 on Mandela Day. They were joined by their Ward Councillor, De Waal Venter, and his wife and granddaughter.

“It was quite a happy affair and a whole bunch of small kids joined in,” De Waal said.

“We are all South Africans and we all work together to improve our lives. Mandela will always remind us of this.”

Councilor De Waal Venter’s 18-year-old granddaughter, Tova Luck, also joined in on the clean-up and loved working with the children in Kagiso.

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