
Taxi driver flees with full fuel tank

A taxi driver is expected to make a brief court appearance after not paying for his full tank of petrol.

A fraud case has been opened by the Kagiso police after a man filled the petrol tank of his minibus taxi and disappeared.

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya, a police spokesperson said a petrol attendant alleged the taxi driver arrived in his minibus taxi on Sunday 21 June where he requested the tank to be filled.

“The petrol attendant did what was asked of him and took the suspect’s bank card. He then went to swipe the card but soon realised the transaction was declined.”

Sibiya said when he returned to explain the situation to the suspect, the driver had disappeared.

“The matter was then reported to the police who launched an immediate investigation.”

Police found the minibus taxi a few hours later where the driver was arrested.

Sibiya said the driver is detained at the Kagiso Police Station and will be making a brief appearance in the Kagiso Magistrates’ Court soon.

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