Woman raped after being offered a drink

A woman, holding her baby, was standing in front of a gate when an unknown man offered to buy her a drink.

A 23-year-old suspect was arrested last Sunday 7 June at Riverside, Kagiso after he allegedly promised to buy a woman a drink but instead raped her.

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya, a police spokesperson said the woman was standing in front of her gate holding her two-year-old baby when an unknown man appeared and asked her to accompany him to buy her a drink.

“She accompanied him where he took her to the back room of his residence. Once they were inside the room, the suspect locked the door.”

Sibiya said she then screamed for help where after the suspect’s family came and ordered him to open the door, of which he refused.

“The suspect then placed the complainant’s baby on the bed and forced himself onto the complainant where he then allegedly raped her.”

Sibiya said the woman was allegedly threatened by the complainant with death if she reported him to the police.

“She did in fact report the matter and the suspect was searched and arrested a few hours later.”

The suspect has made a brief appearance in the Kagiso Magistrates’ Court.

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