Two cash-in-transit suspects on the run

Four suspects robbed a cash-in-transit van near Kagiso Mall.

Two suspects are still on the run after four men robbed a cash-in-transit van near Kagiso Mall of an undisclosed amount of money on Wedsnesday 10 June.

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya, a police spokesperson said a guard was also robbed of his service pistol during the robbery incident.

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“Police were busy patrolling in the area when they noticed two suspects hiding in the tall grass near Kagiso Mall. They got suspicious when they also noticed the cash-in-transit van parked, unattended, nearby.”

Two firearms were retrieved along with cash. Photo: Supplied

Sibiya said two suspects were arrested where they confiscated two firearms and retrieved the cash that was hidden in the grass.

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The two are being detained at the Kagiso Police Station where they will be charged with armed robbery.

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Suspects still at large

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