Marchers say: ‘We are the future leaders’

Children and other marchers from crèches and primary schools chanted with placards as they marched through the streets of Kagsio as part of awareness for Child Protection Week.

A march to highlight the rights of children was held this week by the Kagiso Police in a joint effort with other stakeholders.

With placards reading ‘We are not useless objects but the future’ and ‘Enough with pornography’ children and other marchers from crèches and primary schools chanted as they walked about 5km to raise awareness during Child Protection Week.

ALSO READ: Children demand protection and respect

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya, a police spokesperson said Child Protection Week is an annual event that seeks to sensitize and educate all South Africans about the importance of protecting children and also how different kinds of abuse can have a negative impact on the lives children and the country.

Brigadier Hendry Mollegai addressing the crowd after a 5km march through Kagiso’s streets.

“The march was a well attended awareness event that ended at the Kagiso Police Station where the station commander, Brigadier Hendry Mollegai later addressed the marchers,” said Sibiya.

“He assured the marchers that police will do its best to protect children and that members of the community must feel free and relieved at the police station.”

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Mollegai further warned that no member of the public must be turned back for not having a photo of a missing person that he or she wants to report, especially when it’s a child involved.

Children from different crèches marched through the streets of Kagiso to make their voices heard against child abuse.

“Protection of children must be everybody’s priority,” said Mollegai.

He later handed out some party packs to children and advised them to speak out or report any form of abuse so that they can grow and become future police and presidents.

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