Town Hall upgrade has unintentional consequences …

“Admittedly, we need to secure our assets, but the current layout ‘locks out’ the most vulnerable sector of our community from the centre of local government in our city.”

The construction of a high palisade fence along the entire perimeter of the Krugersdorp Town Hall has created a highly negative side effect, albeit unintentional.

In a statement by Lynn Pannall, DA ward councillor, she stated that two cramped entrances and steep stairs to ramps or a lift (which has not worked for four months), restrict access for the disabled and aged to the central municipal precinct.

“More often than not the security gate leading to the lift is locked; ramps are difficult to negotiate with wheelchairs and safety railings are conspicuously absent.

“Fortifying a government building to the extent that vulnerable groups cannot access it should weigh heavily on the minds of the powers that be,” argued Pannall.

“Admittedly, we need to secure our assets, but the current layout ‘locks out’ the most vulnerable sector of our community from the centre of local government in our city.”

She said despite legislation that protects minority groups and our collective humanitarian compassion for the vulnerable – derived from our Constitution – the disabled and aged are being excluded from accessing public administration.

Pannall included her proposal in her motivated wish list to the IDP Road Show last week for a relook at the layout of the City Hall to facilitate access for the aged and disabled. A petition will be submitted to the Municipal Petitions Committee to address the problem.

“It will not require anything major at all – a service point at the guardhouse on the ground floor or some structure that will make the area disabled- and aged-friendly. Our concern is for everyone – no one should be excluded. We must never lose our humanity. Clear signage and support by the security staff to indicate a less onerous way of accessing the offices by our elderly and disabled residents also will assist.”

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