Two injured after trucks collide

Two truck drivers were injured on the road of death after the collided with one another.

On the road of death, the R24 road to Magaliesburg, two people were lucky to escape with their lives after the trucks they were driving collided.

The accident took place at 8pm last night 12 April and emergency services and police were called out to the scene.

Arriving at the scene, emergency personnel treated two drivers for injuries obtained during the crash.

The first driver was treated for a neck, back and collarbone injury while the second driver was treated for a hip and pelvis injury.

The R24 was blocked off on both sides after one of the trucks lost its load of food supplies.

Two drivers were injured after their trucks collided with each other.

The other truck was a diesel truck which was luckily empty at the time of the accident.

It is believed that chaos erupted while the drivers were being treated as bystanders and pedestrians started helping themselves to the load of food supplies that were scattered across the road.

The News is awaiting official police comment regarding the incident.

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