Motorists hoot in support of Broom widening

At least an additional 700 signatures were obtained after the traffic blitz at petition tables in support of the continued action to widen Robert Broom Drive.

By taking part in a recent ‘hooting protest’, or traffic blitz, motorists using the congested Robert Broom Drive and its feeder roads might be a step closer to having the road widened.

DA Ward councillor Lynn Pannall once said to drive on Robert Broom Drive undoubtedly has become the most annoying experience for residents and motorists.

The DA decided to host the traffic blitz and drew up a petition requesting the local council to fast-track the widening of the road. The petition was circulated at shopping centres in the community and signed by hundreds of residents. It was submitted to the Council’s Petitions Committee shortly after.

Brendon May and Palesa Montge who handed out pamphlets highlighting the need for the fast tracking of the widening of Robert Broom in Ward 21.

According to Pannall the traffic blitz was a great success.

“Motorists indicated support by hooting or complaining about tailbacks. They described their frustration.

“At least an additional 700 signatures were obtained after the traffic blitz at petition tables in support of the continued action to widen Robert Broom. These will be handed in to the Chair of the Municipal Petitions’ Committee,” said Pannall.

She said the new chairperson of the Roads Portfolio and manager of the Roads Department will be invited to visit the intersection of Robert Broom Drive and Van Oordt Street during the morning congestion to personally see the gravity of the situation.

She further said the solution is quite simple.

DA Ward Councillor Lynn Pannall with a poster highlighting the widening of Robert Broom Drive.

“Widen the road between Van Oordt Street and Amaryllis Drive as was planned decades ago. Use the road reserve that was intended to accommodate the extra traffic accompanying development.

“We are at the tipping point. If the widening of Robert Broom is not done quickly, economic and business development in our town will suffer a huge blow and the frustration of residents will reach boiling point,” concluded the councillor.


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