Municipality’s manhole cover-up

The municipality can be held liable if a person falls into the open manhole.

Whether the Mogale City Local Municipality is just not interested in repairing an open manhole or just does not have the funds to do so is not clear.

Although it seems as if the raw sewage problem, about which the news reported at the end of August, was solved, the open manholes on the Dr Yusuf Dadoo Hospital’s property have not been closed.

Armand Fourie, a local attorney at Fouries Inc Attorneys specialising in commercial, criminal and civil law, says the municipality could face some serious charges if someone falls into the open manholes, which are up to three metres deep.

“The municipality can be held liable. The person who falls into the manhole can institute a claim for pain and suffering against them – this easily could amount to thousands.”

Insert: the open manhole that is about three metres deep.

Fourie says the case against the municipality will be much stronger because the problem has been reported, articles to that effect already appeared in the newspaper several times and municipal workers were there to unblock the pipes.

“For this reason it will be difficult for them to escape a claim by saying that they were not aware of the problem. The correct procedure for them would be to close it off properly if they are not able to replace the manhole covers yet.”

Willie Britz, a resident of Coronation Park informed the news in August about the kilolitres of raw sewage gushing into the Blougatspruit towards the Cradle of Humankind. Despite the news asking Nkosana Zali, the municipal spokesperson via email and per telephone for comment, nothing has been received yet.

Related article: • VIDEO: Raw sewage spillage flows into water canals

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