America? No, Kromdraai . . .

The bison is much more docile than the African buffalo and also won’t interbreed with them.

Is it a cow? Is it a buffalo? No, it’s a North American bison.

In fact, there’s not just one, there are five healthy bison who have made the Rhino and Lion Park in Kromdraai their new home. What’s more, this is only one of two places in the country that has these American “buffalo” roaming on their plains.

Ed Hern, owner of the park, bought the bull and his harem of four from Ratelfontein in Richmond where the remaining 12 are kept.

“There used to be bison in our zoos but they died off, so they are now really scarce in South Africa. We decided to buy these bison so that we can increase the breeding stock while they live a natural life.

The bison settling in at their new home. Photo Martin Elsas.

“The bison is much more docile than the African buffalo and also won’t interbreed with them. The bison is not a true buffalo and you can understand this when you see the two together,” Hern explains.

The bull weights about one and a half tons and is around two metres at the shoulder. The females are much smaller.

The giraffe stares open-mouthed at this off-looking creature in the reserve and then decides sticking out his tongue at them is the only suitable response! Photo: Martin Elsas.
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