Food garden to help feed pupils

"Our aim is to enhance the nutritional value of the one warm meal these pupils are guaranteed daily."

To supplement pupils’ meals with organic vegetables, Flow Communications in conjunction with Maropeng, the official visitor centre of the Cradle of Humankind, has planted a food garden at Maloney’s Eye Primary School.

For many years Magel van de Venter, Maropeng’s education and marketing executive has worked closely with Maloney’s Eye where over 300 children from poverty-stricken backgrounds come to learn despite facing almost insurmountable social challenges.

The work they’ve done at the school has ensured that the school has decent facilities, a fully functional kitchen and jungle gyms to play on. This also has contributed to the growth of the school’s reputation as a quality learning institution.

“I’m a firm believer that if the children assist with the planting, they will take responsibility for the overall food garden,” says Van de Venter as she lined up trays of seedlings in pre-prepared beds at Maloney’s Eye School.

“So we asked the Grade 7s to help plant the 740 seedlings. We’ve got cabbage, spinach, beetroot, onion and cauliflower – all winter sprouts,” she added.

Staff from Maropeng had prepared the ground, prepped the garden beds and enriched the soil with manure from Maropeng’s Bokashi process recycling system. Recycled tyres act as retaining walls to the stepped vegetable garden. The tyres will help retain water in the summer and limit soil erosion in the windy winter.

“Our aim is to enhance the nutritional value of the one warm meal these pupils are guaranteed daily,” she says.

“While the Department of Basic Education’s feeding programme includes maize meal and soya as staples, these vegetables will boost the school’s menu with nutrient-rich meals for pupils.”

Flow Communications generously donated the money to purchase the seeds, Maropeng staff lent a hand with the planting and even principal Ellen Mpho Sechotlo got her hands dirty.

Flow bookkeeper Nam Madokw says, “To see the children helping to plant the vegetables and how appreciative and keen they are, is amazing to witness. The vegetable garden is such a good idea, and easy to implement and sustain.”

Flow writer, Kolosa Vuso, agrees.

“Seeing the dedication in the eyes of the pupils was such an amazing experience because we all walked out of the school knowing that with the guidance of principal Sechotlo and Van de Venter, the seedlings will flourish to feed these pupils. I’m so grateful I got a chance to help the learners plant. I can’t wait for the harvest!”

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