Thuto a future Protea cricketer

It is a massive achievement just to be selected for the various trials.

During the October holiday one of Bekker Primary’s cricket boys took part in the annual Gauteng Cricket Week.

Thuto Scheepers represented the Gauteng West region during this week.

The format of the week consisted of playing three games of 50 overs each and two games that were played in the Twenty20 format.

The Gauteng West team played and performed very well as they won two of the three 50 over games and both their T20 games.

These results would not have been possible without the strong performances by each player, of which Thuto was one.

During these festivals the Gauteng cricket primary schools look at various games to identify talent and invite only selected players to the trials. After the trials the selectors pick 13 boys to represent Gauteng at the national tournament, which will be held in Bloemfontein during the December holidays.

It is a massive achievement just to be selected for the various trials, not to mention what the scale of achievement would be if selected for the Gauteng side.

Thuto has managed to surpass these expectations and on the back of some solid bowling and batting performances, during the week and at the trials, he has been included in the Gauteng side.

It is indeed a remarkable achievement to be included in the final Gauteng side.

He also is the first player in Bekker Primary’s history to be included in a provincial side for cricket.

The school hopes that they have not seen the last of this very talented youngster and who knows, maybe one day he will represent not only his province but also his country on the field.

He even may rewrite the history books for his country one day.

This is indeed a remarkable achievement, and certainly one his school and coaches are extremely proud of.

Well done, and all the best for the future.

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