Angry girlfriend burns shack

The complainant told his girlfriend that their relationship is over, so she decided to burn down the shack.

A woman aged 35 was arrested on the night of 1 August at about 9pm for arson at Extension 12 in Kagiso.

According to Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya it is alleged that at about 8.30pm the complainant was with his girlfriend in their shack.

“The complainant told the suspect that their relationship was over and asked her to leave, but she refused. He thereafter went to sleep at the main house and left his girlfriend in the shack.”

He says a few minutes later the complainant’s aunt noticed smoke coming from the shack window and she woke the complainant.

“He went out to check and found his shack on fire. With the help of neighbours he managed to put out the fire.”

Property that was affected by the fire include his passport, electrical appliances, bedding, furniture and clothing to the value of R14 490.

The matter was reported to the police and the suspect was traced and arrested.

A case docket of arson was opened at the Kagiso Police Station and yesterday, 5 August the suspect appeared in the Kagiso Magistrates’ Court.

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