Business rubble up in smoke

Shop owners in Ockerse Street burn their rubbish and cause commotion.

Black smoke coming from behind the shops in Ockerse Street.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services firefighter in action.
The fire that broke out in Ockerse Street.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services firefighters on the scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services firefighters on the scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services on scene.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services firefighters on scene.
DA Councilor Jakkie Naude at the scene in Ockerse Street where rubbish caught fire.
Mogale City Emergency Management Services firefighters on scene after putting out the fire.
Rubble and rubbish fill the courtyard.
Rubble and rubbish fill the courtyard.
Rubble and rubbish filled the courtyard.
Rubble and rubbish filled the courtyard.
The scene where rubbish and rubble caught alight in Ockerse Street.

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