
A show of paws, pilots and prowess at Kennies

From dog tricks and emergency training to helicopter skills – the BCI Academy team and others put up quite a demonstration about safety for Kennies and their teachers and parents.

Helicopters, dogs, cars, and tricks were all part of the show on the sports grounds of Laerskool Kenmare recently.

BCI Academy along with Mogale City’s Public Safety officials including the police arrived to educate and entertain hundreds of Laerskool Kenmare learners, teachers even parents. Demonstrations were done by BCI Security, the police, Search and Rescue, the Gauteng Traffic Police, SAPS Airwing, the fire department and Netcare911.

Enriko Smith, Charil Langenhoven and Belinda Muller.

The programme was part of the police and the Department of Education’s Safety Programme where they reach out to schools regarding safety and how to possibly play a role in keeping themselves and the community safe.

According to BCI Security owner Corinda Loots, it is extremely important to teach children how to be aware of strangers and be vocal when they sense danger.

K9 instructor Lee-Wade Loots with Belgian Malionois Bakwena.

“One segment was ‘Stranger Danger’ which teaches kids not to talk to strangers. If they are home alone or at school and a stranger is calling them, immediately call their parents or teachers to call 10111 and they will immediately assist. Another segment was ‘If you see something say something’. This is when you are at school, home or in the shopping centre, and notice something that is not right. Again, report it immediately to your parents or the police. Please, never take any items from a stranger,” Corinda pleaded.

She added whenever the police or CPF require their services for school demonstrations, they (BCI Security) immediately jump in because it is so important for them to show the children how amazing their K9s are and how the dogs can search for illegal substances or even, catch criminals.

BCI Security and Mogale’s Public Safety officials give a show.

“The faces and spirits of the children were uplifting during the demonstrations. We have seen in the past how it benefits children and the feedback from parents who phone us to thank us for the amazing show. We are proud of the imprint that stays in the child’s brain of what to do in case of an emergency,” she concluded.

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