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#Elections2024: Close to 200K Mogale City residents cast their vote

Voters of Mogale City shared their reasons why they went to the polls on national election day.

Eligible voters flocked to voting stations throughout Krugersdorp on May 29 to make their mark.

The Krugersdorp News hit the streets to hear what residents had to say. From service delivery to community welfare and employment concerns, citizens made sure to express their voices and practice their constitutional rights.

The majority of voting stations were opened from 07:30 and according to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), over 196 116 residents in Mogale City made sure to cast their vote.

Thapelo Moloko.

Voter Karl Bart expressed that he was happy with how IEC representatives helped ensure that voters were assisted and that there was no tempering of votes at any point. He believes that is very important for people in the nation to vote because it allows them to take responsibility for the change they want to see.

Thapelo Moloko, another resident, also expressed the importance of voting as it will determine the well-being of the nation.

Esther Letawana.

“The country and our regions have many issues that need to be resolved, many people are not happy with the current state of our nation so we must play a part to see our nation change,” he said.

Another resident in Esther Letawana said voting for her went well and believes it’s important that residents play their part. Sizwe Ndamze shared that he made the right choice and hopes South Africa has a good future.

Sizwe Ndamaze.

The 2024 national elections also saw the first time that a digital voting system was implemented. The IEC said they had invested millions to acquire 40 000 voter management devices (VMDs) to electronically verify voters while also resolving the issue of double voting and election fraud that reportedly happened in the 2021 local government elections. In its official report about the elections, the IEC further argued for replacing ageing portable ‘zip-zip’ machines used since 1998 with new smart devices. Multi-functional VMD technology scans barcodes of IDs, records voters’ addresses, stores details of the national voters’ roll, and transmits data from polling stations in real time to a central point.

Many voting stations used both digital and manual voting systems as residents lined up on election day.

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