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Operation Sterkfontein Cemetery clean-up the first of many

Armed with black bags, weed cutters and chainsaws, residents and organisations joined hands to help clean up Sterkfontein Cemetery.

Similar to the words of famous astronaut Neil Armstrong, it was one small step for man, one giant leap for … our town. Residents made a difference at Sterkfontein Cemetery by attending a clean-up at the premises on February 10.

It marked the first of many community projects involving residents and community organisations among various stakeholders as they take necessary steps to improve Mogale City.

Former mayor Tyrone Gray during the clean-up.

The community clean-up saw over 50 people who volunteered their time to improve the conditions of the cemetery. The condition of some of Mogale City’s public facilities and infrastructure has been under heavy scrutiny in recent years as many residents complain about the health hazards and risks that come with the facilities not being maintained. That would change over the weekend as stakeholders appealed to residents to come assist them in improving that, starting with the cemetery.

Residents provide a helping hand.

The blazing heatwave could not stop them as organisations such as Friends of Emergency Services, AfriForum, the Freedom Front Plus along with CPF Sectors 3 and 7 all were armed with black bags, weed cutters and chainsaws. Mosaic Funeral Group also joined them as well as they assisted the project by providing some refreshments on the hot day.

Various stakeholders contributed to the clean-up.

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