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Kagiso-based organisation leads drug awareness campaign

The West Rand is regarded as a drug hot spot and a Kagiso-based organisation is doing something about it.

The Kagiso-based organisation Ma Medi Anstwembu recently took it upon themselves to educate the community on the dangers of drug use.

The organisation held a two-day drug awareness programme in Kagiso Ext 12 along with various stakeholders who supported the cause. Furthermore, the programme was also an opportunity for community members, along with those who need rehabilitation, to be part of a programme that assists and warns against the effects of drug use in the community. The programme was not only for residents of Kagiso but intended for all those interested in the West Rand.

Kagiso Mokua assists attendees in the programme.

Drug-related crimes have been a major issue on the West Rand particularly as the police released the most recent crime statistics. The statistics indicated that Krugersdorp, Randfontein and Carletonville Police Stations were all ranked within the top 30 in the country for people arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

With this stat in mind, the chairperson and co-founder of Ma Medi Antswembu, Kagiso Mokua explained it is important to reach out to residents so that they do not end up being another statistic. She added it is not enough to educate people on drug use but it is important to eradicate the addiction by introducing them to skills development programmes that will keep them off the streets.

“During the programme, we realised that most of the people on drugs have relapsed because once they come back from rehab they do not have anything to do to keep themselves occupied. Skills development programmes are there to keep them productive and ensure you do not fall back into the old habits,” Mokua said.

Attendees line up for the programme.

The organisation was not alone in its cause to assist the residents as many stakeholders joined them in their cause. The stakeholders included local NGOs such as Choko Five Movement, Cityanos and Elinye ithuba.

“As we have identified the needs of the community, we have decided to team up as stakeholders and create a support structure that will consist of different needs of the community that way it will make it easy for us to tackle each problem,” Mokua added.

The programme saw many community members take part and it hopes to send a message of hope to the greater West Rand.

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