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One third of children in SA at risk of online violence, exploitation and abuse

UNICEF-commissioned ‘Disrupting Harm Study’ reveals the benefits and dangers of online access and behaviours among children and parents.

More than 95 percent of children in South Africa have access to the Internet regularly but their risky online behaviour can expose them to online violence, exploitation and abuse according to a new UNICEF report.

The ‘Disrupting Harm Study’ showed that children primarily use the Internet to learn something new, to do schoolwork, or to watch video clips. However, a lack of awareness about the dangers online and access without parental consent present a risky scenario where vulnerable children can be exposed to online violence, exploitation and abuse.

“The online world for children presents many positive opportunities from accessing educational resources to connecting with their peers,” said Christine Muhigana, UNICEF South Africa Representative.

But this study also reaffirms the importance of better protecting children from exposure to the dangers online that can so affect their emotional and physical wellbeing,” added Muhigana.

UNICEF South Africa and the Department of Social Development commissioned the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) at the University of South Africa (UNISA) to conduct the survey, which forms part of an international study among 14 countries in Southern and Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia.

Among the findings are that:

  • 70 percent of children surveyed use the Internet without parental consent
  • 25 percent confirmed that they have added people whom they have never met face-to-face to their friends or contacts list
  • 18 percent have sent a photo or video of themselves to a person they have never met face-to-face
  • 67 percent of child participants who have seen sexual images were exposed to them on an online device
Children and their caregivers urgently need more information and support regarding online safety. Photo: unsplash.com

The study further revealed that children who have been sexually exploited online prefer not to share their experiences or trauma about the incident, which in-turn can have a devastating long-term impact on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Children and their caregivers urgently need more information and support regarding online safety, with only 41 per cent of children surveyed having received any information on online safety.

These findings once again highlight the importance of a collaborative approach to online safety and protection, which must involve children and young people themselves, caregivers, the technology industry, academia and government, as well as the critical need for support services for victims of online violence, exploitation, and abuse.

The Disrupting Harm Study can be accessed by clicking here.

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