
Bean seeds

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Many of us have, as one of our early school tasks, planted a bean seed in a piece of cotton wool.

I don’t have many childhood memories but my bean seed experience is still with me. My impatient nature got the best of me. Every day, I not only made sure that there was water on the cotton wool, I peeped under the cotton wool too. It was like magic that a little shoot came up, then a stem and finally a leaf.

Then I read a verse in the Bible that said, “Paul planted and Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

The miracle of growth is a God thing, be it a baby in the womb or a seed in the ground, it is a God miracle.

But seeds can be far more than just that. Often a seed can be a word or an idea. Just planting an idea in your mind can be the start of a God miracle. But for the miracle to grow and develop, it needs us to feed and protect it.

God plants seeds in our hearts and minds on a daily basis. These seeds need to be cultivated by us or they will never bear fruit.

But beware. I was once warned, “Don’t plant seeds that will grow into plants you are allergic to.”

You and I must do what we can, but the most important is to trust God to do what only He can do.

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