
Someone is watching

Pastor Gerrit Mes – "People, including me, are watching you".

Many years ago, our youth group went to Westgate shopping centre. Parents were asked to drop off their children at a drop off point. One mommy who dropped her child off had her little “laatlammetjie” with her.

The child was about 4 years old. When the child saw me at Westgate, his eyes stretched as big as saucers. Grabbing his mommy, he said, “What’s Jesus doing at Westgate?”

The child had only seen me at church preaching about God. His mom had to explain to him, “That’s not Jesus, that’s Pastor Mes.”

You and I may not be Jesus, but people will rightly associate us with him. So, in public and in private, we must always be aware that people are watching. The way we drive, the way we treat people, the way we resolve problems.

My profile may be larger than many. Everywhere I go, people recognise me. So, I have to watch myself in order not to do harm to the one I speak about on a Sunday.

People, including me, are watching you. Reading your Bible, praying, maybe even sitting in church sometimes. Family, friends, even total strangers are watching us. My sincere prayer is this, that I may never bring harm to the One I love by my words or actions. I’m always aware that Someone is watching me. Don’t be a stumbling block to someone God’s working with.

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