
The Lion King

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

A few days ago, I took my wife on a date night to watch a movie. You may not believe it, but we went to watch The Lion King. It is a children’s story with an adult message. Heroes and villains. Battles that ended at times in victory and at times in defeat.

As I walked out of the cinema, I thought, that’s just like life, the only difference is, in the movies there is always a happy ending. In life, the real world, it is not that simple. From my experience of life, good does not always prevail over evil.

In the real world we live in, one of our greatest challenges is knowing who are our friends and who are not. So often in life we face heartache because a friend was actually a foe.

Even in Jesus’ life there were some elements of the Lion King. It was a friend that sold him for 30 pieces of silver (Judas). It was a friend that doubted him (Thomas). It was a friend that denied him (Peter).

You and I cannot control others around us, but we can focus our resolve never to be a Judas, Thomas or Peter in someone else’s life.

In the movie, Simba was destined to be the king. I wonder what God has destined you to be. If you run away, you will never find out.

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