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False religion and false facts lead to false hope

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit.

Have you ever asked someone, “Is that really true?”, only to get the reply, “I read it in a newspaper”. People often naively accept things as true because they read it in a newspaper, heard it on the radio or saw it on television. Experience has taught us that not everything on a public platform is true.

I wonder if we are also that gullible to believe, without Ts and Cs, everything said in church. Yes, I know I am treading on thin ice, but just because something is preached in church does not necessarily make it true. Many years ago the men of the cloth, the ministers were beyond questioning.

I am so glad that today we live in a time when you can have direct contact with God. So when you are exposed to things, check it out. Pray about it, read your Bible, and ask a few trusted and respected people for their thoughts. False religion, false facts will only lead to false hope in the future.

Religion may not be as pure and innocent as some of us believe.

Jesus has not abandoned us to the wolves. He is with us to provide and protect all his children.

Jesus died to set us free. Why should we once again choose to become slaves to other people’s stories? “Watch and pray.”

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