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Truck-drivers fined for obstructing roads

Nine trucks were impounded and fined for obstructing the road.

Following many warnings and complaints, the members of the Mogale City Traffic Department (MCTD) decided they’d had enough and recently pounced on a number of trucks that were obstructing traffic.

The MCTD received complaints of numerous trucks queuing to load and unload stock at a local ceramics business in Chamdor on 11 August.

“We’d given the truck-drivers a fair amount of warning, but they continued to offend,” said the MCTD spokesperson, Papi Motaung.

Last week, one of the nearby residents contacted the department complaining about the trucks queuing along Jacobs and Dobson Streets, once again blocking the roads.

Officials proceeded to the address where they found nine trucks illegally parked in the road, waiting to enter the premises.

The queue of stationary trucks was found to be obstructing the view motorists had of the oncoming traffic, and to be blocking the roads completely.

Each truck found queuing in the road illegally was impounded, and each driver received a R1 500 fine.

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