
Identification leads to robbery suspect’s arrest

The complainant was on his way home from work when three men stopped him from continueing his journey.

A 27-year-old Tshepisong alleged robbery suspect was arrested on Monday, 20 April, after a man was ambushed and robbed at gun point by three unknown men.

Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya, a police spokesperson said the complainant was on his way home from work when three unknown men, one armed, suddenly appeared.

“The armed suspect stood in front of the complainant and blocked him from continuing his journey. He then pointed a firearm in his direction while his two accomplices searched him for valuables.”

The complainant’s cell phone, an unknown amount of cash as well as his bag that contained building tools were taken.

Sibiya said the complainant informed the police that he is able to identify one of the suspects which led to his arrest.

He made a brief appearance in the Kagiso Magistrates’ Court whilst his accomplices are still at large.

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