
Kagiso burglaries on the rise

The police says more than two criminal cases are reported at the police station on a daily basis.

The Kagiso area is experiencing an increase in business and house burglaries.

Police spokesperson Solomon Sibiya says more than two criminal cases are reported at the police station on a daily basis. Areas that have been identified as hot spots include central Kagiso, Riverside, Hospital View, and Kagiso Extensions 06, 08,11 and 12.

“Police is convinced that some of the perpetrators are known in the area. Some members of the community unfortunately still buy stolen property despite stern warnings by the police not to do so,” he says.

“Buying stolen property promotes housebreaking, theft and breaking into cars, and encourages perpetrators to do more.”

Kagiso Police is offering a monetary reward to anyone with positive information about the suspects involved in the housebreakings in the area.

Anyone with more information can contact detective Captain Reddy of the Kagiso detectives on 011 696 9142 or 083 263 7148 after hours. You may remain anonymous.

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