
Community attacks housebreaking suspects

Property stolen from a home in Munsieville was recovered after a group of residents took the law into their own hands.

Two alleged house robbers were arrested in a battered state and taken into police custody after community members in Munsieville took the law into their own hands.

According to Krugersdorp Police spokesperson Tshepsio Mashale the two men were spotted breaking into a house in the area last Monday.

“An eyewitness to the crime alerted the community and a group of residents apprehended the men,” she says.

“The group assaulted them, demanding that they reveal where they sell the stolen property,” she adds.

The suspects gave in and disclosed the information.

Stolen property was recovered at the address they provided.

Police later discovered that the men had another case of house robbery pending against them.

Mashale urges the community to refrain from taking the law into their hands and not buy stolen property.

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