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Suspects arrested a month after house robbery

Over the past few months Mindalore has become notorious for house robberies.

Krugersdorp Police apprehended two suspects nearly a month after they allegedly had robbed a house in Mindalore.

It is alleged the two suspects approached their victims in a vehicle in their driveway on 22 August. The suspects pointed firearms at the victims and allegedly forced them into the yard. Other victims were also in the yard and the suspects pointed firearms in their direction as well.

The suspects allegedly tied all the victims’ hands and started ransacking the house. They allegedly took electrical appliances and cash, and robbed . the victims of their personal belongings.

The suspects left the scene in the complainants’ vehicle as well as the one they approached the victims with.

Warrant Officer Robertson of Krugersdorp Police was appointed to investigate the case.

On 26 September at 2am, a month after the incident, Robertson arrested one of the suspects in Soweto.

A day later the second suspect was arrested, also in Soweto. Police recovered the vehicle in which the suspects approached the victims. It is alleged this vehicle was hijacked in Roodepoort a week before the house robbery.

Over the past few months Mindalore has become notorious for house robberies. Krugersdorp Police management said they are doing everything in their power to ensure a safer community.

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