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Naked man arrested for drugs

During a blue-light patrol, police found a 44-year-old man without clothes in his car on Broederstroom Road.

A 44-year-old man without clothes and suspected of being in possession of drugs was arrested along Broederstroom Road in Hekpoort on Friday, 9 September.

During a blue-light patrol Hekpoort Police conducted along the road, they received a tip-off about a man who was sitting in a stationary vehicle further down the same road. When they approached the car, they were shocked to find the man was naked.

When he saw the police he tried to jump out of the car, but was unsuccessful. When police asked him why he was naked, he alleged that his clothes were wet. However, police found that his clothes were actually dry and asked him to get dressed.

A container with a powdery substance was also discovered in the car. Warrant Officer Botma believed the powdery substance to be illegal drugs as the suspect has been arrested before for being in possession of a similar substance.

Botma and Sergeant Van der Berg arrested the suspect for possession of drugs. He will appear at Krugersdorp Magistrates’ Court in due course.

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