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Suspect with toy gun shot dead

A suspect was shot after pointing a toy gun at the police.

A business burglary at a local spaza shop quickly took a turn for the worst after one suspect was shot and killed on the scene.

Police received a complaint on 9 July at about 1.30am of a business burglary in progress and responded swiftly.

“A suspect aged between 25 and 30 was shot and killed by Kagiso police after eight people allegedly broke into a spaza shop belonging to a foreign national during the night,” Kagiso Police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Solomon Sibiya explained.

Upon arrival at the scene, seven suspects were seen fleeing from the shop.

Police then noticed a suspect on the roof of the shop, pointing a firearm at them.

“They took cover and then fired a shot at him. The suspect sustained a gunshot wound to his head and fell to the ground.” When paramedics arrived on the scene, the suspect was certified dead.

The owner opened his shop for the police in order for them to inspect the scene.

“The owner told the police that he was asleep inside his shop when suspects gained access by breaking down the wall. He heard voices, but stayed hidden as he feared for his life. The suspects stole groceries and cash before fleeing on foot.”

Later, police noticed that the firearm the suspect had pointed at them was a toy.

The Kagiso Police are on a manhunt as seven suspects are still at large. An inquest into the death of the eighth suspect is also being conducted.

“We are appealing to members of the public to assist with information that will lead to the successful arrest of the suspects.”

If you have further information about this story please contact the Kagiso Police Station on 0110 696 900/9059/9062/9065/9070 or call Crime Stop on 08600 10111. You can remain anonymous.

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