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Who will lead your ward?

The final aspiring ward councillor lists have not yet been made available by many political parties.

Whose name will you tick at this year’s local government elections set for 3 August?

This person, according to DA Constituency Head in Mogale City Alan Fuchs, if chosen will be responsible for answering residents’ calls about dry taps and cut off electricity, among others, in their respective wards.

“Each ward coucillor will have council as well as political responsibility,” he said.

Even though the election date has not yet been proclaimed, local ward councillors are undergoing a strict selection process to be eligible as an aspiring candidate, whether for the ANC, EFF, VF Plus or DA, among the many other political parties.

According to the Democratic Alliance in Mogale City, in this year’s elections there will be 77 councillors in Mogale City, representing 39 wards.


The DA’s Mogale City caucus secretary, De Waal Venter, said that sitting councillors go through the same process as aspiring candidates each election year. Fuchs said the DA ward list is not yet final, but it will be handed to the Independent Electoral Commissio (IEC) soon.

The West Rand EFF’s communications officer, Kholeka Mandyu, said the party will release their list after their manifesto launch on 30 April at the Orlando Stadium.

The News contacted the ANC’s offices in the West Rand and was told they also do not yet have a ward councillor’s list available to the public.

Also read:

• We need more independent candidates for local elections

• Voting day set, last chance to register

• Remember to register

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